$mode uni // Usage: fallsong n for "American" verison starting at n bottles. // takesong n for "British" version // eM n - general utility which returns english version of n. // Note: Definition of billion, trillion, etc. follow American usage. // Limits: Some counting and reporting problems caused by comparison // tolerance and floating-point numbers above one trillion. // Absolute limit: Approximately 9.9998354e65, at which point // floating-point representation becomes unreliable. ewd1:=("zero";"one";"two";"three";"four";"five";"six";"seven";"eight";"nine"; "ten";"eleven";"twelve";"thirteen";"fourteen";"fifteen";"sixteen"; "seventeen";"eighteen";"nineteen") ewd10:=("";"";"twenty";"thirty";"forty";"fifty";"sixty";"seventy"; "eighty";"ninety"); ewdh:=" hundred"; ewdc:=" and "; epow:=("";" thousand")," ",~("m";"b";"tr";"quadr";"quint";"sext";"sept"; "oct";"non";"dec";"undec";"duodec";"tredec";"quattuordec";"quindec"; "sexdec";"septendec";"octodec";"novemdec";"vigint"),~<"illion" eH n:{if(20<=n){(t;xx):=0 10 M.>n;(t I.>ewd10),if(0=xx)""else "-",xx I.>ewd1} else n I.> ewd1} eT n:{if(100<=n){(h;x):=0 100 M.>n;(h I.>ewd1),ewdh,if(0=x)""else ewdc,eH x} else eH n} eM n:{z:="";(i:=#epow)do{ (n;x):=0 1000 M.>n; if(0!=x)z:=,(((100>x)&(i=0)&0!=n)/"and "),(eT M.-x),(i I.>epow), ((0!=#z)/", "),z; if(0=n):=z};z} cap str:{n:=`int|1 S.+str;if((97<=n)&122>=n)str[0]:=`char|n- 32;str} nb n:(if(0!=n)(cap eM n)else "No more"),((- 1=n)S.-" bottles")," of beer" ootb n:if(1!=n)"one of those bottles"else"that bottle" fate{b;n}:{if(b)".\nIf ",(ootb n)," should happen to fall,\n" else ".\nTake ",((1=n)I.>("one";"it"))," down; pass it around,\n"} b stanza n:{w:=" on the wall."; (nb n),w,"\n",(nb n),(b fate n),(nb n- 1),w,"\n"} fallsong n:{(i:=n)do S.- 1 stanza n-i;} takesong n:{(i:=n)do S.- 0 stanza n-i;}