* - index.php // this file * - Smarty.class.php // the smarty main class * - Smarty_Compiler.class.php // the smarty compile class * - debug.tpl // the debug smarty template * - Config_File.class.php // the smarty configuration config class * - internals // the internal smarty php scripts directory * - plugins // the smarty plugins directory * */ include( 'Smarty.class.php' ); /*#@+ * @param string $template The template name. * @param smarty $smarty A reference to an instance of the smart class. */ /** * Return the timestamp of a template. * * A the return, $timestamp parameter will contain the unix timestamp of the * template. * * @param integer $timestamp The unix timestamp. * @return true. */ function get_timestamp( $template, &$timestamp, &$smarty ) { $timestamp = time(); return true; } /** * Return if a template a secure. * * @return true. */ function get_secure( $template, &$smarty ) { return true; } /** * Return if a template a secure. */ function get_trusted( $template, &$smarty ) { } /** * Return a template. * * A the return, $source parameter will contain the source og the template. * * @param string $source The source. * @return true If the template exists. */ function get_template( $template, &$source, &$smarty ) { switch( $template ) { case '99 bottles of beer.tpl' : $source = << 99 bottles of beer {*smarty*} {assign var=end value=#take#} {assign var=last value=-1} {foreach from=\$wall item=bottle} {if \$last neq -1}

{if \$last eq 0} {assign var=last value=#no#} {assign var=end value=#store#} {/if} {\$last|pluriel:#bottle#:#pluriel#|string_format:#wall#}
{\$end|nl2br} {if \$bottle eq 0} {assign var=bottle value=#no#} {/if}

{/if} {assign var=last value=\$bottle} {/foreach} HTML; return true; break; } } /**#@-*/ /** * The song class */ class smarty_wall_song extends smarty { /** * Directly add an entry to the configuration. * * @param string The var name. * @param mixed The value. */ function add_config( $var, $value ) { if( is_string($var) ) $this->_config[0]['vars'][$var] = $value; else $this->trigger_error( "smarty_wall_song::add_config() need a stringh for is first parameter.", E_USER_ERROR ); } } /** * Smarty modifier to add a pluriel of a text. * * @param integer The number of things. * @param string The formated text, need to have 2 '%s' used with the sprintf() php instruction. * @param string The pluriel. */ function print_pluriel( $number = 1, $format = '%s', $pluriel = 's' ) { if( $number > 1 ) return sprintf( $format, $number, $pluriel ); else return sprintf( $format, $number, '' ); } // create smarty object $smarty = new smarty_wall_song(); $smarty->cache = true; $smarty->compile_dir = './'; $smarty->cache_dir = './'; // register the mofidier $smarty->register_modifier( 'pluriel', 'print_pluriel' ); // register the templates external database $smarty->register_resource( 'direct', array( 'get_template', 'get_timestamp', 'get_secure', 'get_trusted' ) ); // add the counter of bottles $smarty->assign( 'wall', array_merge(range(99,0),array(99)) ); // add some texte $smarty->add_config( 'pluriel', 's' ); $smarty->add_config( 'no', 'No' ); $smarty->add_config( 'store', 'Go to the store, buy some more,' ); $smarty->add_config( 'bottle', '%s bottle%s' ); $smarty->add_config( 'wall', '%s of beer on the wall,' ); $smarty->add_config( 'wallend', '%s of beer on the wall.' ); $smarty->add_config( 'beer', '%s of beer.' ); $smarty->add_config( 'take', 'Take one down, pass it around,' ); // execute the smarty template and send the html $smarty->display( 'direct:99 bottles of beer.tpl' ); // clear the php smarty cache //$smarty->clear_compiled_tpl('direct:99 bottles of beer.tpl'); // vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 fileformat=unix foldmethod=marker ?>