<% *--- Active FoxPro Pages (AFP) - ProLib Software GmbH, Germany *--- Listing by Jochen Kirstätter *--- (simple version - at http://www.afpages.de/ is an object-oriented version) Local lnCount, lnIndex, lcContent, lcSuffix m.lnCount = 99 For m.lnIndex = m.lnCount To 1 Step -1 If Not m.lnIndex == 1 m.lcSuffix = "s" EndIf m.lcContent = Transform(m.lnIndex) + " bottle" + m.lcSuffix + " of beer" Response.Write("
" + m.lcContent + " on the wall, ") Response.Write(m.lcContent + ".") Response.Write("
Take one down and pass it around, ") If m.lnIndex - 1 > 0 If m.lnIndex - 1 == 1 m.lcSuffix = "" EndIf m.lcContent = Transform(m.lnIndex - 1) + " bottle" + m.lcSuffix + " of beer" Else m.lcContent = "no more bottles of beer" EndIf Response.Write(m.lcContent + " on the wall.
") EndFor Response.Write("
N" + Substr(m.lcContent,2) + " on the wall, " + m.lcContent + ".") Response.Write("
Go to the store and buy some more, " + Transform(m.lnCount) + " bottles of beer on the wall.") %>