// In Linden Labs Scripting Language (LSL) // in Second Life // Wolt Amat integer beer = 99; vector signcolor = <1,0,0>; // Red float signtrans = 1.0; // Opaque default { state_entry() { llSetText("Touch me to start taking beer off the wall", signcolor, signtrans); } touch_start(integer n) { while (0 < beer) { llSay(0,(string)beer + " bottles of beer on the wall"); llSay(0,(string)beer + " bottles of beer"); llSay(0,"Take one down"); llSay(0,"Pass it around"); beer--; llSay(0,(string)beer + " bottles of beer on the wall"); } llSay(0,"No more bottles of beer on the wall"); llSay(0,"No more bottles of beer"); llSay(0,"Go to the store"); llSay(0,"To get us some more"); beer = 99; llSay(0,(string)beer + " bottles of beer on the wall"); } }