import io.Source // Lazy, brittle "rob the store" version object GrabbaBeer extends Application { val buf = new StringBuilder; for (c <- Source.fromURL("")) buf.append(c) val Pat = "


".r for (Pat(l1, l2) <- Pat findAllIn buf) println(l1 + "\n" + l2 + "\n") } // Law-abiding concise version. object CaseOfBeers extends Application { def qty(n: Int) = (n match {case 0 => "no more bottles" case 1 => "1 bottle" case n => n + " bottles"}) + " of beer" for (b <- 99 to 0 by -1) println(qty(b).capitalize + " on the wall, " + qty(b) + "." + (if (b > 0) "\nTake one down and pass it around, " + qty(b - 1) + " on the wall.\n" else "\nGo to the store and buy more beer, " + qty(99) + " on the wall.")) } // Cheers!