"99 Bottles" done by Draft Code Generator. http://www.simtel.net/product.php?id=37145&sekid=0&SiteID=simtel.net $[OUTPUT "99.TXT"]$ $[BotCnt = 99]$ $[PROCEDURE SingPart(BC)]$ $[IF BC <> 1 THEN]$ $[Container = "bottles"]$ $[ELSE]$ $[Container = "bottle"]$ $[ENDIF]$ $[IF BC > 1 THEN]$ $[What = "one"]$ $[ELSE]$ $[What = "it"]$ $[ENDIF]$ $[BC]$ $[Container]$ of beer on the wall, $[BC]$ $[Container]$ of beer. Take $[What]$ down, and pass it around, $[BC = BC - 1]$ $[IF BC <> 1 THEN]$ $[Container = "bottles"]$ $[ELSE]$ $[Container = "bottle"]$ $[ENDIF]$ $[IF BC = 0 THEN]$ $[BC = "No"]$ $[ENDIF]$ $[BC]$ $[Container]$ of beer on the wall. $[ENDPROCEDURE]$ $[WHILE BotCnt > 0]$ $[SingPart(BotCnt)]$ $[BotCnt = BotCnt-1]$ $[ENDWHILE]$ No bottles of beer on the wall, No bottles of beer. Go to the Store, and get some more. 99 bottles of beer on the wall.