when a=0 then set a=1 set b=99 set r=1 set O="" when (r=1 or r=2 or r=4) and b>0 then put b set O="" when (r=1 or r=2 or r=4) and b=0 then set O="No more " when (r=1 or r=2 or r=4) and b<0 then set O="99 " when r=1 or r=2 or r=4 then set O=O+"bottle" when r>0 and b<1 or b>1 then set O=O+"s" when r=1 or r=2 or r=4 then set O=O+" of beer" when r=1 or r=4 then set O=O+" on the wall" when r=3 and b>0 then set O="Take one down and pass it around" when r=3 and b<1 then set O="Go to the store and buy some more" when r>0 and r<4 then set O=O+",\n" when r=4 then set O=O+".\n\n" when r=3 then set b=b-1 when r>0 then set r=r+1 put O set O="" when r>4 and b<0 then set r=0 when r>4 then set r=1