This is IBM's next generation of RPG. H* H* ILE RPG/400 - 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. H* (IBM AS/400 Midrange Platform) H* (Program Source BOTTLESR1) H* FBottlesS1 O E WorkStn C C Z-Add *HIVAL Bottles1 C C DoW Bottles1 > *Zero C Eval Bottles2 = Bottles1 C Write #Display C Sub 1 Bottles1 C EndDo C C Eval *InLR = *On C ----------------------- A* A* ILE RPG/400 - 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. A* (IBM AS/400 Midrange Platform) A* (Display File Source BOTTLESS1) A* A DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3) A R #DISPLAY FRCDTA A A BOTTLES1 2Y 0O 4 2EDTCDE(4) A 4 5'Bottles of Beer On the Wall,' A BOTTLES2 2Y 0O 4 34EDTCDE(4) A 4 37'Bottles of Beer,' A 5 2'Take one down, pass it around.' A