Lingo is Macromedia's Director scripting language. -- Lingo version of 99 Bottles of Beer -- programmer: John R. Nyquist on BottlesOfNABeer -- This handler outputs to the message window. set maxBottles to 99 repeat with bottles = maxBottles down to 1 set bottleString to WhichString(bottles) put bottleString & " of beer on the wall, " & bottleString & " of beer." put "Take one down, pass it around," put WhichString(bottles - 1) & " of beer on the wall." put RETURN end repeat put "No bottles of beer on the wall, no bottles of beer." put "Go to the store and buy some more." put maxBottles & " bottles of beer on the wall." end BottlesOfNABeer on WhichString bottles if bottles > 1 then return bottles & " bottles" else if bottles = 1 then return "1 bottle" else return "No more bottles" end if end WhichString