BEER ; 99 bottles of beer song written in mumps (Brian Buydens) N STR,I,BOT S STR="bottle^bottles^of beer^on the wall^Take one down and pass it around" F I=99:-1:1 D . S BOT=$P(STR,"^",2) I I=1 S BOT=$P(STR,"^",1) . W !,!,I_" "_BOT_" "_$P(STR,"^",3)_" "_$P(STR,"^",4)_"." . W !,I_" "_BOT_" "_$P(STR,"^",3)_"." . W !,$P(STR,"^",5)_", " . S BOT=$P(STR,"^",2) I I=2 S BOT=$P(STR,"^",1) . I I>1 W !,(I-1)_" "_BOT_" "_$P(STR,"^",3)_" "_$P(STR,"^",4)_"." . I I=1 W !,"No more bottles of beer on the wall."