// PasScript version of 99 Bottles of beer (Bottles.pas) // See http://users.ints.net/virtlabor/passcript/ // Philipp Winterberg, http://www.winterbergs.de program Bottles; var WordApp, Range: variant; b: integer; Strophe: string; begin CoInitialize; try WordApp:= CreateOleObject('Word.Application'); WordApp.Visible:= true; WordApp.Documents.Add; Range:= WordApp.Documents.Item(1).Range; for b:=99 downto 1 do begin Strophe:= inttostr(b) + ' bottle(s) of beer on the wall,' +#13#10+ inttostr(b) + ' bottle(s) of beer.' +#13#10+ 'Take one down, pass it around,' +#13#10+ inttostr(b-1) + ' bottle(s) of beer on the wall.' +#13#10; Range.Text:= Range.Text + Strophe end finally CoUninitialize end end.