on mouseup put 99 into numBeerz put "s it" into modifier repeat with x = numBeerz down to 1 put "one" into whichone put "s" into modifier put "s" into otherModifier put x - 1 into nextCount if x is 2 then put "" into otherModifier if x is 1 then put "it" into whichone put "" into modifier put "s" into otherModifier put "no more" into nextCount end if put x & " bottle" & modifier& " of beer on the wall, " & x & " bottle" & modifier & " of beer..." after y put " Take " & whichOne & " down, pass it around, " & nextCount & " bottle" & otherModifier & " of beer on the wall. " & cr after y end repeat put "No more bottles of beer on the wall, ya bastards drank them all! So off to the store to buy some more, let's put 99 bottles of beer on the wall!" & cr after y put y into card field 1 -- say cd fld 1 -- uncomment this line to hear it sing. end mouseup