% 99 bottles for GNU Octave % free alternativ for Mathlab % see more: http://www.octave.org/ % Dec 4th 2004 - Jan Pitann i=99; str0='No more'; str1=' bottle'; str2='s'; str3=' of beer on the wall, '; str4=' of beer\n'; str5='Take one down pass it around\n'; str6='go to the store an by one more...'; while (i>1) disp([int2str(i) str1 str2 str3 int2str(i) str1 str2 str4 str5]) i=i-1; end disp([int2str(i) str1 str3 int2str(i) str1 str4 str5]) disp([str0 str1 str2 str3 str6 '\n'])