This has to be entered using the line editor of Tiny Basic 0001 REM Lyrics of the song 99 Bottles of Beer in Tiny Basic 0005 LET I=99 0006 PRINT "Lyrics of the song 99 Bottles of Beer";PRINT "" 0010 REM main 0011 IF I>2 GOTO 20 0012 IF I=2 GOTO 30 0013 IF I=1 GOTO 40 0014 GOTO 50 0020 REM if greater than two 0021 PRINT #0,I," Bottles of beer on the wall, ",I," bottles of beer." 0022 LET I=I-1 0023 PRINT "Take one down and pass it around, ", 0024 PRINT #0,I," bottles of beer on the wall." 0025 GOTO 10 0030 REM if equals two 0031 PRINT #0,I," Bottles of beer on the wall, ",I," bottles of beer." 0032 LET I=I-1 0033 PRINT "Take one down and pass it around, ", 0034 PRINT #0,I," bottle of beer on the wall." 0035 GOTO 10 0040 REM if equals one 0041 PRINT #0,I," Bottle of beer on the wall, ",I," bottle of beer." 0042 LET I=I-1 0043 PRINT "Take one down and pass it around,", 0044 PRINT " no more bottles of beer on the wall." 0045 GOTO 10 0050 REM if equals zero then exit 0051 PRINT "No more bottles of beer on the wall. No more bottles of beer..." 0052 PRINT "Go to the store and buy some more...99 bottles of beer."