This was created partially to frustrate a programming instructor (not that that isn't a worthy goal) and 99BoB was used to test the language constructs. It's a combination of Befunge and a desk calculator. Details at >9999*++000s1100sXv< >#v100g5-v X >100g3- |v _@ |-2g001_ v v *39s1010pg000 s0012-#< < vv*35s1010pg000< 1 v## *47s1011s0014g# < v*35s10103100sv 0 ^ < 1 ^ { 000 > x v s100+1g100 < >001g101g9gp001g201g -| s 0 1 0 0 0 2 xv# < 1 ^ >000v s v0pg< P 0 x g ^_5100s^ { 100 bottles of beer. { In BefDC - a derivative of Befudge and dc, by Sam Holden { This code by Sam Holden, 1997. { Note: this language was actually designed to do my cryptography assigments, which is why it is defined with 'infinite' precision math. { { { { bottles of beer on the wall Take one down, pass it around