For use within a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. Copy the formula below into the required cell on an empty worksheet, and copy down as far as you like. The song lyrics will appear with a line per cell, and will repeat indefinitely with a blank cell between copies of the song. American song version, to be entered into cell A4: @IF(A3="","99 bottles of beer on the wall",@IF(@LEFT(A3,1)="N","",@IF(A2="2 bottles of beer"#AND#A2<>"","1 bottle of beer on the wall",@IF(A2="1 bottle of beer"#AND#A2<>"","No more bottles of beer on the wall",@IF(@RIGHT(A3,1)="l"#AND#A3<>A2,A3,@IF(@RIGHT(A3,1)="l",@LEFT(A3,@LENGTH(A3)-12),@IF(@RIGHT(A3,1)="r","Take one down and pass it around",@IF(@RIGHT(A3,1)="d",@STRING(@VALUE(@LEFT(A2,@FIND(" ",A2,0)))-1,0)&@RIGHT(A1,@LENGTH(A1)-@FIND(" ",A1,0)),@ERR)))))))) British song version, to be entered into cell A3: @IF(A2="","99 green bottles hanging on the wall",@IF(@ISERR(@FIND("no",A2,0)),@IF(@LEFT(A2,1)="A","There'll be "&@IF(@LEFT(A1,2)="1 ","no"&@REPLACE(@RIGHT(A1,33),13,2,"s h"),@IF(@LEFT(A1,2)="2 ","1"&@REPLACE(@RIGHT(A1,34),12,2,"e"),@STRING(@VALUE(@LEFT(A1,2))-1,0)&@RIGHT(A1,@LENGTH(A1)-@FIND(" ",A1,0)))),@IF(A1="",A2,@IF(@LEFT(A1,1)="T",A2,@IF(@ISERR(@VALUE(@LEFT(A1,2))+@VALUE(@LEFT(A2,2))),@IF(@LEFT(A2,1)="T",@REPLACE(A2,0,12,""),@NA),"And if 1 green bottle should accidentally fall")))),"")) Note that the formula should have no line breaks when copied into Lotus 1-2-3.