The author (below) created the language. "Bobo" is Spanish for idiot. ## v1.2 ## Bayard W. Wenzel # some handy macros /nprint {"\n" add print} def /space {"\n" print} def /dec {dup get 1 sub def} def /class-define {{get invoke} bind pop-dict} def # i will use the bobo object protocol! it is cool. /new-bar { 13 /bar-dict create-dict /count 0 def /lyric-type "I'm a computer, I can't decide what to say," def /set-count {/count exch def} def /set-lyric-type {/lyric-type exch def} def # proper grammar counts /bottle-thing { /i exch rdef i 1 eq { i " bottle" add print } { i " bottles" add print } if-else } def # and, the meat of it! /beer-lyrics { /i exch rdef i bottle-thing " of beer on the wall," nprint i bottle-thing " of beer!" nprint lyric-type nprint i 1 sub bottle-thing " of beer on the wall." nprint space } def /final-lyrics { "0 bottles of beer on the wall," nprint "0 bottles of beer." nprint "Go into town, buy a new round," nprint "Get some more bottles of beer on the wall!" nprint } def /consume { count { count beer-lyrics /count dec } { final-lyrics } if-else } def class-define } def /song { /lyric-type exch rdef /count exch rdef /bar new-bar rdef count /set-count bar lyric-type /set-lyric-type bar count 1 add {/consume bar} loop } def /messy "If one of those bottles should happen to fall," def /thirsty "Take one down, pass it around," def 99 thirsty song