#! 99 bottles of beer in Goto++ (Language by Sidoine) (http://gpp.niacland.net/ (in french)) This version by Sib (sibylangel?gmail!com) Tested with Goto++ 0.29 !# niveaugourou 0 GOTO Vars msgBtle = « bottle» msgWall = « of beer on the wall» msgBeer = « of beer.;n» msgTake = «Take one down, pass it around, » newLine = «;n;n» msgEnd = «Go to the store and buy some more, » msgNoN = «No more» msgNon = «no more» plural = *`s' beers = *(99) GOTO Loop §1 GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE() &msgWall &plural &msgBtle &beers GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE() &msgBeer &plural &msgBtle &beers *` ' *`,' GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE() &msgTake beers = &beers ++ *(-1) AUTOGOTOZ } &beers eg *(1) { plural = «» AC AUTOGOTOZ } &beers eg *(0) { beers = &msgNon plural = *`s' AC GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE() &newLine *`.' &msgWall &plural &msgBtle &beers GOTONONNULPOURLESNULS %1 &beers GOTO Last verses of the song GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE() &msgWall &plural &msgBtle &msgNoN GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE() &msgBeer &plural &msgBtle &msgNon *` ' *`,' GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE() &msgEnd GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE() &newLine *`.' &msgWall &plural &msgBtle «99»