Language Ada
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | tmoran[at]bix[dot]com |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
-- Just for amusement, here's a multi-tasking version. -- Ten customers enter bar to sing and drink. Bartender serializes -- access to 'take one down' to avoid fights -- contributed by with Text_IO; procedure Bar is Out_Of_Beer : Exception; protected Bartender is function Count return Integer; procedure Take_One_Down; private Remaining : Integer range 0 .. 99 := 99; end Bartender; protected body Bartender is function Count return Integer is begin return Remaining; end Count; procedure Take_One_Down is begin if Remaining = 0 then raise Out_Of_Beer; else Remaining := Remaining - 1; end if; end Take_One_Down; end Bartender; type Names is (Charles, Ada, John, Grace, Donald, Edsger, Niklaus, Seymour, Fred, Harlan); task type Customers is entry Enter_Bar(Who : in Names); end Customers; Customer_List : array(Names) of Customers; task body Customers is Me : Names; procedure Sing_And_Drink(Singer_ID : in String) is procedure Sing(S : in String) renames Text_IO.Put_Line; begin loop declare Bottle_Part : constant String := Integer'image(Bartender.Count) & " bottles of beer"; begin Sing(Bottle_Part & " on the wall" & Singer_ID); Sing(Bottle_Part & Singer_ID); end; Sing(" Take one down and pass it arround" & Singer_ID); Bartender.Take_One_Down; delay 10.0; -- allow ten seconds to gulp one down end loop; exception when Out_Of_Beer => Sing("no more beer!" & Singer_ID); end Sing_And_Drink; begin -- customer task accept Enter_Bar(Who : in Names) do Me := Who; end Enter_Bar; Sing_And_Drink(" - " & Names'image(Me)); end Customers; begin -- operating bar for Person in Customer_List'range loop Customer_List(Person).Enter_Bar(Person); delay 2.0; -- allow two seconds between customers entering bar end loop; end Bar;