Language Alef
Date: | 07/24/05 |
Author: | Christian Klein |
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Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (2.88 in 24 votes) |
adt Shelf { int count; Shelf *s init(int); void decrease (Shelf *s); int left (Shelf *s); void print (Shelf *s); } Shelf * Shelf.init (int cnt) { Shelf *s; alloc s; s->count = cnt; return s; } void Shelf.decrease (Shelf *s) { s->count--; return; } int Shelf.left (Shelf *s) { if s->count > 0 return 1; return 0; } void Shelf.prints (Shelf *s) { if (!s->left(s)) print("no more bottles of beer on the wall"); print("%d one the wall",s->count,"Bottles" ? b->count>1 : "Bottle"); return; } void main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; Shelf *s; s = s.init(99); while (s->left(s)) { prints(s); b.decreass(s); } return; }
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FOSTERRoslyn said on 05/05/10 03:04:28
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