Language ALGOL 68
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Otto Stolz |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (2.83 in 35 votes) |
# 99 Bottles of Beer # # by Otto Stolz <> # ( PROC width = (INT x) INT: (x>9 | 2 | 1) ; FOR i FROM 99 BY -1 TO 1 DO printf ( ( $ 2l n(width(i))d , x "bottle" b("","s") x "of beer on the wall," , x n(width(i))d , x "bottle" b("","s") x "of beer." , l "Take one down, pass it around," , x n(width(i-1))d , x "bottle" b("","s") x "of beer." $ , i , i=1 , i , i=1 , i-1, i=2 ) ) OD )
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Otto Stolz said on 08/23/07 12:51:10
This extremely terse program exploits every possible abbreviation.
printf takes a row of formats, or expressions, as its sole argument
(the outer brackets delimit the argument list, the inner ones the row display).
A format is delimited by dollar signs; within it, frames are delimited by commas.
The (only) format in this example uses the following keys:
2 : repeat 2 times
l : new line
n : repeat n times, where n is yielded by the function call in brackets
d : digit
x : blank space
b : select an alternative from the bracket
A frame comprising a d key (at least) corresponds to an integer expression.
A frame comprising a b key (at least) corresponds to a Boolean expression.