Language Apple IIe Basic
(Correct & Complete Lyrics)
Date: | 05/16/10 |
Author: | barrym |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (2.98 in 49 votes) |
0 REM ------------------------ 1 REM BEER SONG FOR Apple IIe 2 REM by barrym 2010-05-14 3 REM THANKS AppleWin1.17.2.0 4 REM ------------------------ 10 REM Prints entire, CORRECT, 11 REM COMPLETE song to active 12 REM output (extra carriage 13 REM returns are inserted if 14 REM a 40-column display is 15 REM detected to prevent the 16 REM words from breaking 17 REM against the right edge) 18 REM ----------------------- 19 C$ = "": IF PEEK (33) < 41 THEN C$ = CHR$ (13) 20 FOR B = 99 TO 0 STEP - 1: IF B = 99 THEN 50 30 PRINT "Take one down and pass it around"; 40 W = 2: GOSUB 90: PRINT 50 W = 0: GOSUB 90 60 W = 1: GOSUB 90: NEXT 70 W = 3:B = 99 80 PRINT "Go to the store and buy some more"; 82 REM ----------------------- 83 REM Print bottle subphrase, 84 REM using W var as a guide: 85 REM 0: B" bottl ... wall"; 86 REM 1: B" bottl ... beer." 87 REM 2: B" bottl ... wall." 88 REM 3: Like 2 but last time 89 REM ----------------------- 90 IF W THEN PRINT ","C$" "; 92 IF B THEN PRINT B; 93 IF NOT B THEN PRINT CHR$ (110 - 32 * NOT W)"o more"; 94 PRINT " bottle";: IF B < > 1 THEN PRINT "s"; 95 PRINT " of beer";: IF W < > 1 THEN PRINT " on the wall"; 97 IF W THEN PRINT "." 99 IF W < 3 THEN RETURN
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