Language Assembler (AMD64)
Date: | 11/07/05 |
Author: | Berthold Stöger |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: |,,30_2252_11395_11428,00.html |
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; 99 bottles of beer in AMD64-assembler for Linux. ; ; AMD64 (a.k.a x86_64) is a 64-bit extension to the x86 architecture. ; ; This program does rudimentary memory management via the brk() ; syscall (as can be seen by running it under strace). It features ; (gratuitous) use of the new 64-bit registers and the new program ; counter relative addressing mode. ; ; Compile with "yasm -f elf -m amd64 bottles.asm; ld -s bottles.o" BITS 64 GLOBAL _start _start: XOR edi, edi ; end_data_segment = NULL PUSH BYTE 12 ; PUSH / POP is the shortest way of loading POP rax ; small immediates. Here: SYS_brk SYSCALL PUSH BYTE 99 POP rdx ; 99 bottles of beer MOV r10, rax ; base MOV rbx, rax ; act MOV r15, rax ; max LEA r12, [.putchar WRT rip] .reload: LEA rsi, [BYTE (.txt - .putchar) + r12] .loop: LODSB ; Fetch a byte CMP al, 0 JG .char CBW CWDE CDQE ; Byte to Quadword ADD rax, r12 JMP rax .char: CALL r12 JMP .loop .exit: MOV rsi, r10 ; buf = Base MOV rdx, rbx SUB rdx, r10 ; len = Ptr - Base PUSH BYTE 1 POP rdi ; fd = stdout MOV eax, edi ; SYS_write SYSCALL XOR edi, edi ; returncode = 0 PUSH BYTE 60 POP rax ; SYS_exit SYSCALL .nomore: PUSH rsi MOV r13b, 7 LEA rsi, [.nomore_txt wrt rip] .nomore_loop: LODSB CALL r12 DEC r13b JNE .nomore_loop POP rsi JMP .loop .plural: CMP dl, 1 JE .loop MOV al, 's' CALL r12 JMP .loop .restart: CMP dl, 0 JE .loop JMP .reload .sub: DEC edx CMP dl, 0 JE .nomore .num: MOV eax, edx MOV cl, 10 DIV cl CMP al, 0 JE .ignore0 PUSH rax ADD al, '0' CALL r12 POP rax .ignore0: MOV al, ah ADD al, '0' CALL r12 JMP .loop .putchar: MOV ebp, eax CMP r15, rbx ; Need more mem? JG .putchar_ok LEA rdi, [0x1000 + r15] ; New max (one page at a time...) MOV r15, rdi PUSH BYTE 12 POP rax ; SYS_brk SYSCALL .putchar_ok: MOV [rbx], bpl INC rbx RET .txt: DB .num-.putchar, " bottle", .plural-.putchar, " of beer on the wall, " DB .num-.putchar, " bottle", .plural-.putchar, " of beer.", 0x0a DB "Take one down and pass it around, " DB .sub-.putchar, " bottle", .plural-.putchar, " of beer on the wall.", 0x0a, 0x0a DB .restart-.putchar DB "No more bottles of beer on the wall, " .nomore_txt: DB "no more bottles of beer.", 0x0a DB "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.", 0x0a DB .exit-.putchar
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