Language Assembler (System/370)
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | R. Heemskerk |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 5 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
* 99 bottles of beer * Assembler program for IBM System/370 (and up) * (c) R. Heemskerk, * The program expects a sequential output dataset allocated to ddname OUTDD, FB80 BOTTLE99 CSECT SAVE (14,12),,BOTTLE99 LR 12,15 USING BOTTLE99,12 LR 11,13 CNOP 0,4 BAL 13,START DC 20A(0) START ST 13,8(11) ST 11,4(13) OPEN (OUTFILE,(OUTPUT)) MVI EXTRA1,C's' MVI EXTRA2,C's' LA 4,99 LOOP CVD 4,DEC MVC CNVNUM,MASK ED CNVNUM,DECNUM MVC OUTNUM1,CNVNUM+2 MVC OUTNUM2,CNVNUM+2 CL 4,=F'1' BNE PUT MVI EXTRA1,C' ' MVI EXTRA2,C' ' PUT PUT OUTFILE,OUTLINE1 PUT OUTFILE,OUTLINE2 BCT 4,LOOP PUT OUTFILE,OUTLINE3 PUT OUTFILE,OUTLINE4 DONE CLOSE OUTFILE EXIT L 13,4(13) RETURN (14,12),RC=0 CNVNUM DS XL4 MASK DC X'40202120' DEC DS 0D DS XL6 DECNUM DS XL2 OUTLINE1 DC CL80' ' ORG OUTLINE1 OUTNUM1 DS CL2 DC C' bottle' EXTRA1 DC C' ' DC C' of beer on the wall, ' OUTNUM2 DS CL2 DC C' bottle' EXTRA2 DC C' ' DC C' of beer.' ORG OUTLINE1+80 OUTLINE2 DC CL80'Take one down, pass it around.' OUTLINE3 DC CL80'No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottleX s of beer.' OUTLINE4 DC CL80'Go to the store and buy some more.' OUTFILE DCB DSORG=PS,DDNAME=OUTDD,MACRF=(PM) LTORG END
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i am not able to find any material for that.
plese let me know where i would be able to find them.
else pl send them to me if u have.
This example has drawbacks just as the other Assembler program S/390 in this list.
Use of BAL R13,... to create static save area at start of program is both unusual and inconsistent with read only/protected program storage.
Shows no particular skill and uses DCB's , DD cards and JCL when 'conventional' WTO to operator console would have been sufficient for this simple case.
Definition of doubleword 'dec' is not well documented and requires a 'keep together' comment on next 2 lines or set within own block to avoid loss of context if additional lines added in between