Language Befunge
(Funge 98 psuedo-procedural version)
Date: | 09/23/07 |
Author: | Erefe |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | |
Score: | ![]() |
>#c101v //Funge 98, interpreted by ccbi. Erefe 09/23/07 v < >:!v> :1`!v> :2`!v> v v$_^ v$_^ v$_^ -fxn 0----\ -fxn 1-in bool 1st\ -fxn 2--------------\ >20g'c-!#@_v >' *'N+20g:vv,_$ v| >020g1-4>j05s'_vv,_v | \endif----- |v;>.$ ;<>:^:<;v| | rj0b"bottle"<>:^>$v |>#^_\," erom o"^ >v \out bottle(s)------- \out num of bttles- v < < < v`6: <v`5: <v`4: <v`3: < v_$v ^_$v ^_$v ^_$v fxn 6\ -fxn 5\ -fxn 4-------------\ -fxn 3---------\ >a'.,,v >" ,",,v >0"llaw eht no ">:v | >0"reeb fo ">:v | \----- \------ | ^,_$v | ^,_$v \out "on the wall"-- \out "of beer"-- v < < < < >:7`!v> :8`!v>@ v$_^ v$_^ -fxn 7--------------------------\ fxn 8---------\ >20gv>0" ,erom emos yub dna ero"v| >20g1-'d+'d%20pv |v0 _^ v"Go to the st" <| \dec number---- |>" ,dnuora ti"v | |v"n and pass "<v,_v | |>"wod eno ekaT">:^>$ v \out "Take one..."||"buy more"... v < < >1+:j vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0 1 1 1234512367812346>a,$0v v<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <
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