Language C/AL (Microsoft Navision)
Date: | 03/08/06 |
Author: | Carsten Scholling |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | ![]() |
OBJECT Codeunit 50085 99 Bottles of Beer { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=01.03.06; Time=12:57:20; Modified=Yes; Version List=01.03.06; } PROPERTIES { OnRun=BEGIN char13 := 13; char10 := 10; SongFile.WRITEMODE(TRUE); SongFile.TEXTMODE(TRUE); SongFile.CREATE(c_txtFileName); SongFile.CREATEOUTSTREAM(SongStream); FOR i := 99 DOWNTO 0 DO BEGIN SongLine1 := c_txtLyrics001; SongLine2 := c_txtLyrics002; Plural1 := 's'; Plural2 := 's'; TextNumber1 := FORMAT(i); TextNumber2 := FORMAT(i - 1); CASE i OF 2: BEGIN Plural2 := ''; END; 1: BEGIN TextNumber2 := c_txtNoMore; Plural1 := ''; END; 0: BEGIN TextNumber1 := c_txtNoMore; TextNumber2 := c_txtNoMore; SongLine2 := c_txtLyrics003; END; END; SongLine1 := STRSUBSTNO(SongLine1, TextNumber1, Plural1) + FORMAT(char13) + FORMAT(char10); SongLine2 := STRSUBSTNO(SongLine2, TextNumber2, Plural2) + FORMAT(char13) + FORMAT(char10) + FORMAT(char13) + FORMAT(char10); SongStream.WRITETEXT(SongLine1); SongStream.WRITETEXT(SongLine2); END; SongFile.CLOSE(); END; } CODE { VAR c_txtLyrics001@1000000005 : TextConst 'ENU=%01 bottle%02 of beer on the wall, %01 bottle%02 of beer.'; c_txtLyrics002@1000000003 : TextConst 'ENU=Take one down and pass it around, %01 bottle%02 of beer on the wall.'; c_txtLyrics003@1000000000 : TextConst 'ENU=Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.'; SongFile@1000000010 : File; SongStream@1000000013 : OutStream; SongLine1@1000000002 : Text[100]; SongLine2@1000000009 : Text[100]; TextNumber1@1000000004 : Text[30]; TextNumber2@1000000006 : Text[30]; Plural1@1000000007 : Text[1]; Plural2@1000000008 : Text[1]; char13@1000000014 : Char; char10@1000000015 : Char; i@1000000001 : Integer; c_txtNoMore@1000000011 : TextConst 'ENU=No more'; c_txtFileName@1000000012 : TextConst 'ENU=C:\99BottlesOfBeer.txt'; BEGIN { 99 Bottles of Beer as a Microsoft Navision Codeunit in C/AL. by Carsten Scholling (cscholling /at/ Inspired by A file named "99BottlesOfBeer.txt" will be created in C: root. There is no console in Navision to write to, so i used this solution. Of course it could be shorter, nicer and so on, but with 99 bottles of beer in my head this was the only possible solution ;-) } END. } }
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IF EXISTS(filename) THEN
bottles := 99;
IF bottles = 1 THEN
plur := ''
plur := 's';
outputfile.WRITE(FORMAT(bottles)+' bottle'+plur+' of beer on the wall, '+ FORMAT(bottles)+' bottle'+plur+' of beer');
bottles := bottles -1;
outputfile.WRITE('Take one down and pass it around, ' + FORMAT(bottles-1)+' bottle'+plur+' of beer on the wall');
UNTIL bottles = 0;
outputfile.WRITE('No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer');
outputfile.WRITE('Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.');