Language CA-Visual Objects 2.0
Date: | 02/17/06 |
Author: | Ervin STECKL |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | ![]() |
TEXTBLOCK Comments /* // 1. Create an empty application. // 2. Paste this code in module "Start". There should be 5 entities after, // including this textblock. // 3. The only library you have to include is "Terminal Lite". // Should also run under CA-Visual Objects 1.x */ GLOBAL cBob := " bottles of beer" AS STRING FUNCTION Start() LOCAL i AS INT LOCAL cOtw := " on the wall" AS STRING LOCAL cTod := "Take one down and pass it around, " AS STRING FOR i := 99 DOWNTO 0 ? FLU(Bob(i)) + cOtw + ", " + Bob(i) + "." IF i == 0 ? "Go to the store and buy some more, " + Bob(99) + cOtw + "." ELSE ? cTod + (Bob(i-1)) + cOtw + "." ENDIF ? NEXT i wait // to see the result... RETURN FUNCTION Bob(i AS INT) AS STRING // Bottles Of Beer function LOCAL cRes AS STRING DO CASE CASE i == 0 cRes := "no more" + cBob CASE i == 1 // I utilize the fact that there is only one "s" in cBob cRes := "1" + StrTran(cBob, "s", "") OTHERWISE cRes := LTrim(Str(i)) + cBob ENDCASE RETURN cRes FUNCTION FLU(cStr AS STRING) AS STRING // First Letter to Upper case RETURN Upper(Left(cStr,1)) + SubStr(cStr,2)
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