Language CASL
Date: | 01/12/06 |
Author: | Patrick Carroll |
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# Beer.csl # 99 Bottles of Beer On the Wall in CASL or Palm OS, Windows Mobile, or Windows # Compact Application Solution Language # # by Patrick Carroll, who hopes others will enhance it when they have the time # Beer.csl is the total project. No need for any forms. # Takes a few seconds to display on the Palm OS Emulator. Instant in Windows. frame beers; foreground 0; background 16777215; display "99 Bottles of Beer On the Wall"; end; text beerText,beers; position 2,14; foreground 0; background 16777215; pixel_size 150,145; scrollbar top; no_input; end; function startup; variables; numeric i;#counter index numeric r;#a random number between 0 and 9 to add the occasional hickup after 80 beers downed string s;#string to display eventually string s2;#bottles, or bottle string s3=" of beer on the wall"; string s4=" of beer."+char(10); string s5="Take one down and pass it around, "; end; s="99 bottles"+s3+", 99 bottles"+s4+s5+"98 bottles"+s3+"."+char(10)+char(10); i=98; while i>0; if i>1; s2=" bottles"; else; s2=" bottle"; end_if; if i>2; s=s+string(i,"")+s2+s3+", "+string(i,"")+s2+s4+s5+string(i-1,"")+s2+s3+"."+char(10)+char(10); else_if i=2; s=s+string(i,"")+s2+s3+", "+string(i,"")+s2+s4+s5+"1 more bottle"+s3+"."+char(10)+char(10); else; s=s+string(i,"")+s2+s3+", "+string(i,"")+s2+s4+s5+"no more bottles"+s3+"."+char(10)+char(10); end_if; r=randomn(10); if r<3 and i<80; s=s+"HICK!"+char(10)+char(10); end_if; i=i-1; end_while; s=s+"No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer."+char(10)+ "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall!!"; beerText.display=s; end;
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