Language Conzept 16
Date: | 08/28/07 |
Author: | Christian Worreschk |
URL: | n/a |
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// 99 bottles of beer - Conzept 16 version // developed by Christian Worreschk // August 28th, 2007 - Mainz, Germany // // This language is part of the development environment "Conzept 16" developped by vectorsoft // DEFINE { BOTTLE_COUNT : 99 } SUB BottlePluralizer( aBottleCount : int ) : alpha Local{ tBottleString : alpha }{ SWITCH( aBottleCount ) { CASE 0 : tBottleString # 'no more bottles'; CASE 1 : tBottleString # '1 bottle'; DEFAULT : tBottleString # cnvAI( aBottleCount ) +' bottles'; } RETURN tBottleString; } SUB buildFirstPartOfVerse( aBottleCount : int ) : alpha Local{ tFirstPart : alpha ; tBottleString : alpha }{ tBottleString # BottlePluralizer( aBottleCount ); tFirstPart # tBottleString + ' of beer on the wall, ' + tBottleString + ' of beer.'; IF ( aBottleCount = 0 ) { tFirstPart # 'N' + StrDel( tFirstPart, 1, 1 ); } RETURN tFirstPart; } SUB buildSecondPartOfVerse( aBottleCount : int ) : alpha Local{ tSecondPart : alpha ; tBottleString : alpha }{ IF ( aBottleCount = 0 ) { aBottleCount # BOTTLE_COUNT; tSecondPart # 'Go to the store and buy some more, '; } ELSE { dec( aBottleCount ); tSecondPart # 'Take one down and pass it around, '; } tBottleString # BottlePluralizer( aBottleCount ); tSecondPart # tSecondPart + tBottleString + ' of beer on the wall.'; RETURN tSecondPart; } SUB SingTheSong() Local{ tBottleCounter : int ; tFirstPart : alpha ; tSecondPart : alpha }{ FOR tBottleCounter # BOTTLE_COUNT; LOOP dec( tBottleCounter ); WHILE ( tBottleCounter >= 0 ) { tFirstPart # buildFirstPartOfVerse( tBottleCounter ); tSecondPart # buildSecondPartOfVerse( tBottleCounter ); // Output in Debugger DbgTrace( tFirstPart ); DbgTrace( tSecondPart ); DbgTrace(''); } } MAIN() { DbgConnect( '*', y, y ); SingTheSong(); DbgDisConnect(); }
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