Language DSSP
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Laszlo Aszalos |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (4.00 in 2 votes) |
For Info see <a href=></a> [ 99 bottles in DSSP Programmer: Laszlo Aszalos <> Run it with 99 BOTTLE ] B10 : BOTTLE [N] LOT_OF ONE_LEFT ZERO [] ; : LOT_OF [N] CR C 1- DO ONE_BOTTLE D ; : ONE_BOTTLE [N] ON_THE_WALL .", " CR NUMBER_OFF BOTTLES ."," CR TAKE 1- [N-1] C 1 = IF0 MANY ; : MANY ON_THE_WALL ."." CR ; : TAKE ."take one down, pass it around," CR ; : ON_THE_WALL NUMBER_OFF BOTTLES ." on the wall" ; : BOTTLES ." bottles of beer" ; : ONE_LEFT ONE_ON_THE_WALL ."." CR ONE_ON_THE_WALL ."," CR BOTTLE1 ."," CR ; : ONE_ON_THE_WALL BOTTLE1 ." on the wall" ; : BOTTLE1 ." 1 bottle of beer" ; : ZERO TAKE ZERO_ON ."." CR ZERO_ON ."," CR NO_MORE ."," CR ."go to the store, and buy some more!" CR ; : ZERO_ON NO_MORE ." on the wall" ; : NO_MORE ."no more bottles of beer" ; : NUMBER_OFF C 2 TON ; : NUMBER_OFF C 2 TON ;
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