Language ELAN
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Michael Hocke |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
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// By Michael Hocke (2002.06.24) INT VAR number of bottles; PROCEDURE print how many bottles are on the wall (INT CONST number): print number; print bottle; print trailing text. print number: IF number = 0 THEN put ("No") ELSE put (number) END IF. print bottle: out ("Bottle"); IF no <> 1 THEN out ("s") END IF. print trailing text: out (" of beer"). END PROCEDURE print how many bottles are on the wall; say hello; print song; say goodbye. say hello: putline ("99 Bottles of Beer"); putline ("=================="); line. print song: FOR number of bottles FROM 99 DOWNTO 1 REPEAT print first line; print second line; print third line END REPEAT. say goodbye: line; putline ("====================="); putline ("You need a ride home?"); line. print first line: print how many bottles are on the wall (number of bottles); out (" on the wall, "); print how many bottles are on the wall (number of bottles); line. print second line: putline ("Take one down and pass it around,"). print third line: print how many bottles are on the wall (number of bottles - 1); putline (" on the wall"); line.
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