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Language Focal-8

Author:Akira Kida
Score: (3.00 in 122 votes)
01.10 c Focal-8 version of 99 Bottles of beer
01.20 c Hacked by Akira KIDA, <>

10.10 set bottles = 99
10.20 do 20
10.30 quit

20.10 for i = bottles, 1, -1; do 30
20.20 return

30.10 set b = i
30.20 do 40 ; type " on the wall, "
30.30 do 40 ; type ".", ! , "Take one down, pass it around.", !
30.40 set b = i - 1
30.50 do 40 ; type " on the wall.", !, !
30.60 return

40.10 do 50
40.20 type " of beer"
40.30 return

50.10 if (b - 1) 50.20, 50.40, 50.60
50.20 type "No more bottles"
50.30 return
50.40 type %1.0, b, " bottle"
50.50 return
50.60 type %1.0, b, " bottles"
50.70 return

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>>  MA said on 09/01/08 16:09:13

MA Thanks for bringing back the memories, haven't used focal for over 30 years ;-)

>>  Dana said on 04/29/09 19:33:21

Dana WOW! I haven't seen Focal since high school! We had a 300-BAUD teletype dialup in the physics lab to a timeshared system somewhere off-campus. Was one of those 10-CPS, type-cylinder, paper tape units that sounded like a jackhammer when printing out a listing. I'm afraid I'm showing my age here but - Good memories.

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