Language GW-BASIC
Date: | 06/08/05 |
Author: | Stefan Scheler |
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Comments: | 3 |
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005 REM 99 Bottles of Beer in GW-BASIC 010 REM by Stefan Scheler <sts[at]synflood[dot]de> - Ilmenau, Germany in June 2005 015 REM GW-BASIC (named after Greg Whitten, an early Microsoft employee and is 020 REM known more affectionately as 'gee-whiz') was a dialect of BASIC developed 025 REM by Microsoft, originally for Compaq. It was the predecessor of QBasic. 030 CLS 035 FOR I = 99 TO 1 STEP -1 040 MODE = 1: GOSUB 080 045 PRINT I; "bottle" + BOTTLES$ + " of beer on the wall,"; i; "bottle" + BOTTLES$ + " of beer." 050 MODE = 2: GOSUB 080 055 PRINT " Take one down and pass it around,"; i-1; "bottle" + BOTTLES$ + " of beer on the wall." 060 NEXT 065 PRINT " No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer." 070 PRINT " Go to the store and buy some more. 99 bottles of beer." 075 END 080 REM subroutine handles plural s 085 IF I = MODE THEN BOTTLES$ = "" ELSE BOTTLES$ = "s" 090 RETURN
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ref: wikipedia
It has 28812 bytes (not kbytes
It was nice to learn some basic programming concepts with this childhood machine. :
GW-BASIC is able to play simple music using the PLAY statement, requiring a string of notes represented in a music macro language (e.g. PLAY "edcdeee2dfedc4"