Language HaPyLi
Date: | 11/27/10 |
Author: | Marinus Oosters |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (3.63 in 19 votes) |
; 99 bottles of beer in HaPyLi ; this compiles to Whitespace! import "stdlib/base.hpl" def printBottles(bottles) = (if (== bottles 0) (print-string "No more bottles ") (if (== bottles 1) (print-string "1 bottle ") (if (== bottles -1) (print-string "99 bottles ") (do (print-number bottles) (print-string " bottles "))))) def line1(bottles) = (do (printBottles bottles) (print-string "of beer on the wall,\n")) def line2(bottles) = (do (printBottles bottles) (print-string "of beer,\n")) def line3(bottles) = (print-string (if (== bottles 0) "Go to the store and buy some more,\n" "Take one down and pass it around,\n")) def line4(bottles) = (do (printBottles bottles) (print-string "of beer on the wall.\n\n")) def verse(bottles) = (do (line1 bottles) (line2 bottles) (line3 bottles) (line4 (- bottles 1))) def verses(bottles) = (do (verse bottles) (if (> bottles 0) (verses (- bottles 1)) 0)) def main() = (verses 99)
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