Language HotBasic
(GUI Version)
Date: | 10/04/05 |
Author: | AirrSongs |
URL: | |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (2.50 in 28 votes) |
'-------------------------------- ' 99-Bottles ' GUI Version ' ' Coded By: AirrSongs - ' Language: HotBasic - ' Date: 10/03/05' '-------------------------------- $apptype gui:$typecheck on declare Function Get_Bottles(num as byte) as string create form1 as form width=300 height=350 minimizebox=false maximizebox=false center onshow=Count_Bottles create list1 as listbox top=0 left=0 width=form1.clientwidth height=form1.clientheight end create end create form1.showmodal end Function Get_Bottles(num as byte) as string defstr Ret select case num case 0: Ret = "No more bottles of beer" case 1: Ret = "1 bottle of beer" case else: Ret = str$(num) + " bottles of beer" end select result = Ret end Function Count_Bottles: defbyte i =99 do list1.additems(Get_Bottles(i) + " on the wall, " list1.additems(Get_Bottles(i) + ",") list1.additems("take one down, pass it around,") list1.additems(Get_Bottles(i-1) + " on the wall.") list1.additems(NULL) dec(i) loop until i = 0 return
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Alternative Versions
Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
Different,using a Do-Loop & Select/Case | AirrSongs | 10/02/05 | 1 | |
2 | Joe B. | 04/20/05 | 1 |
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