Language HSC
(iterative version)
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Matthias Bethke |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
<* 99-bottles-of-beer in HSC, by Matthias Bethke Pseudo-iterative version, process using: hsc xhtml compact 99bottles-iter.hsc *> <$define PAGE:string/C="99 Bottles of Beer"> <$macro BOB N:num/R OTW:bool> <$if COND=(N = '0')>No more<$else><(N)></$if> <$if COND=(N <> '1')>bottles<$else>bottle</$if> of beer <$if COND=(set OTW)>on the wall</$if> </$macro> <$macro ITERATE COND:string/R CONTENT:string/R> <( "<$if COND=(" + COND + ")>" + "<(CONTENT)>" + "<ITERATE COND=(COND) CONTENT=(CONTENT)>" + "</$if>" )> </$macro> <$macro FOR /CLOSE VAR:string/R START:num=1 TO:num/R STEP:num=1> <("<$define " + VAR + ":num=" + START + ">")> <$if COND=(STEP < "0")> <ITERATE COND=(VAR + ">='" + TO +"'") CONTENT=(HSC.Content + "<$let " + VAR + "=(" + VAR + "&'" + STEP + "')>")> <$else> <ITERATE COND=(VAR + "<='" + TO +"'") CONTENT=(HSC.Content + "<$let " + VAR + "=(" + VAR + "&'" + STEP + "')>")> </$if> </$macro> <*** Page starts here ***> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head><title><(PAGE)></title></head> <body> <h1><(PAGE)></h1> <FOR VAR=bottles START=99 TO=0 STEP=-1> <$if COND=(bottles = '0')> <p>Go to the store, buy some more...</p> <$else> <p><BOB N=(bottles) OTW>,<br /> <BOB N=(bottles)><br /> Take <$if COND=(bottles = '1')>it<$else>one</$if> down, pass it around,<br /> <BOB N=(bottles - '1') OTW>.</p> </$if> </for> </body> </html>
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