Language HTML/OS
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Anonymous |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 5 |
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Score: | ![]() |
See for working example See for more informations about HTML/OS. <HTML> <<i=99 WHILE i > 0 DO display i+" bottles of beer on the wall,<br>" /display display i+" bottles of beer on the wall.<br>" /display display "Take one down, pass it around,<br>" /display i=i-1 display i+" bottles of beer on the wall.<br><br>" /display /while >> </HTML>
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"HTML/OS is a commercial operating system for the web. As such, it was built with platform independence and ease of use in mind. With the web becoming ever more complex, platform independence of any software has been long in coming, yet it's the only approach that really makes sense". <- This is what the vendor says.
In other words, it's imho a server-side scripting language like php etc.
It won't work!
When it will reach 0 it will just stop without the last lines ("Go to the store and buy some more..."
And it will stop at 1 bottle without the "No bottle at the walls".
It deserves 1 star and not 3.
"0 bottles of beer" should be phrased as "No more left, go to the store" or something similar.
WHILE i > 0 DO
if i>1 then
display i+" bottles of beer on the wall,<br>" /display
display i+" bottles of beer.<br>" /display
display "Take one down, pass it around,<br>" /display
elif i=1 then
display i+" bottles of beer on the wall,<br>" /display
display i+" bottles of beer.<br>" /display
display "Take one down, pass it around,<br>" /display
if i>1 then
display i+" bottles of beer on the wall.<br><br>" /display
elif i=1 then
display i+" bottle of beer on the wall.<br><br>" /display
display "No bottles of beer on the wall.<br><br>" /display
# here you have two options, have the html/os display the last verse, or do it in the body of the page. I use the html/os /#
# rather than displaying each line with a separate set of display tags you can just do one like below. I prefer to use carrots (^) but (') or ("
^No bottles of beer on the wall.<br>
No bottles of beer.<br>
Go to the store and buy some more.
99 bottles of beer on the wall.^