Language HyperCard
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Eric Carlson |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
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The scripting language for Apple's HyperCard. -- -- a version of the "99 bottles of beer" song in HyperTalk -- by eric carlson: -- on BeerSong99 BottlesOfBeer 99 end BeerSong99 -- -- do something with a lyric from the beer song. this handler adds it to -- a field on the current card on OutputBeerLyric beerString if ( beerString is "<reset>" ) then put empty into cd fld "beer song" else put beerString & return after cd fld "beer song" end if end OutputBeerLyric -- -- sing the beer song with the specified number of bottles on BottlesOfBeer bottleCount put bottleCount into initialCount OutputBeerLyric "<reset>" repeat until ( bottleCount < 1 ) set cursor to busy -- let 'em know this might take a while put BottleString(bottleCount) into currentString OutputBeerLyric currentString && "of beer on the wall," OutputBeerLyric currentString && "of beer." OutputBeerLyric "Take one down, and pass it around," subtract one from bottleCount OutputBeerLyric BottleString(bottleCount) && "of beer on the wall." & return end repeat OutputBeerLyric "Go to the store and buy some more..." OutputBeerLyric initialCount & " bottles of beer on the wall." end BottlesOfBeer -- -- return the bottle string appropriate for the current count function BottleString bottleCount if ( bottleCount is 1 ) then return "1 bottle" else if ( bottleCount is 0 ) then return "no more bottles" else return bottleCount && "bottles" end if end BottleString
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