Language IBasic
(Windows program w/ beer bottle graphics)
Date: | 08/03/05 |
Author: | Larry Adcock |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | ![]() |
'=== 99 Bottles of Beer by L a r r y A d c o c k === '=== Language: IBasic Professional by Pyxia === '=== Windows program with beer bottle graphics === '=== Plurals and last two verses properly handled === DEF win:WINDOW DEF st[6]:string def aa, bb, brown, white, run:int autodefine "off" st=" bottle","","s"," of beer"," on the wall", "take one down and pass it around " OPENWINDOW win, 5, 10, 630, 200, @caption, 0, "99 Bottles of Beer", &winhandler control win, @button, "DRINK A BEER !", 300, 130, 150, 25, 0, 1 brown=rgb(90,80,0) : white=rgb(255,255,255) rect win, 5, 40, 596, 3, brown, brown for bb=1 to 99 rect win, bb*6+1, 20, 3, 6, brown, brown rect win, bb*6, 26, 5, 10, brown, brown next bb aa=100 drink_one() run = 1 : WAITUNTIL run = 0 : CLOSEWINDOW win : END '============================================= SUB winhandler SELECT @CLASS CASE @IDCLOSEWINDOW run = 0 CASE @IDCONTROL select @controlid case 1 if aa>0 then drink_one() else run=0 endselect ENDSELECT RETURN ENDSUB '============================================= SUB drink_one def a$, b$, music:string def x, xx:int aa=aa-1 rect win, 4, 56, 596, 60, white, white rect win, 4, 19, 596-aa*6, 20, white, white move win, 5, 60 select 1 case (aa=0) x=2 : xx=2 setcontroltext win, 1, "NO BEER - QUIT" case (aa>2) x=2 : xx=2 case (aa=2) x=2 : xx=1 case (aa=1) x=1 : xx=2 endselect a$=st[0]+st[x]+st[3] if aa>0 b$=str$(aa) else b$="No more" endif print win, b$+a$+st[4]+"... ",b$+a$+"... " move win, 10 , 85 a$=st[0]+st[xx]+st[3] select aa case 0 print win, "Go to the store and buy some more...99 bottles of beer." case 1 print win, st[5]+"... "+"no more"+a$+st[4] default print win, st[5]+"... "+str$(aa-1)+a$+st[4] endselect 'instrument is a glasswind (beer bottle) music="I75 O5G16 G16 G16 D16 D16 D16 G16 G16 G16 G16 R8 " music=music+"A16 A16 A16 E16 E16 E16 A8 R16 " music=music+"G16 F#16 F#16 F#16 F#16 F#16 F#16 F#16 F#16 F#16 F#8 R16 " music=music+"D16 D16 D16 D16 E16 F#16 G16 G16 G16 G8 R16" playmidi$ music, true return ENDSUB
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