Language Isabelle Theorem Prover
(syntax translations)
Date: | 03/04/06 |
Author: | Brian Huffman |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | ![]() |
(* Filename: Bottles.thy Author: Brian Huffman Description: The Isabelle theorem prover has a flexible syntax-translation mechanism which allows expressions to be parsed and printed using a wide variety of standard mathematical notations. Syntax translation is implemented by applying rewrite rules (defined using the "translations" command) to an abstract syntax tree representing the expression. After rewriting, the resulting tree is pretty-printed using the syntax patterns (defined using the "syntax" command) associated with the labels on each tree node. This program works by defining a single logical constant called ninety_nine_bottles_of_beer, whose output syntax (displayed using the "term" command) consists of the complete lyrics of the song. *) theory Bottles imports CPure begin consts ninety_nine_bottles_of_beer :: 'a nonterminals digit syntax "_0" :: digit ("0") "_1" :: digit ("1") "_2" :: digit ("2") "_3" :: digit ("3") "_4" :: digit ("4") "_5" :: digit ("5") "_6" :: digit ("6") "_7" :: digit ("7") "_8" :: digit ("8") "_9" :: digit ("9") syntax "_dec" :: 'a "_d" :: "digit => 'a" ("_") "_ds" :: "'a => 'a => 'a" "_bnn" :: "'a => 'a => 'a" ("__ bottles") "_bn" :: "'a => 'a" ("_ bottles") "_b1" :: "'a" ("1 bottle") "_b0" :: "'a" ("no more bottles") "_of" :: "'a => 'a" ("_ of beer") "_bob" :: 'a "_vs" :: 'a "_song" :: 'a "_v1" :: "'a => 'a => 'a => 'a => 'a" ("(1_ on the wall, _./ Take one down and pass it around, _ on the wall.)/ _") "_v0" :: "'a => 'a => 'a" ("(1No more bottles of beer on the wall, _./ Go to the store and buy some more, _ on the wall.)") translations "0" <= "_dec 1" "1" <= "_dec 2" "2" <= "_dec 3" "3" <= "_dec 4" "4" <= "_dec 5" "5" <= "_dec 6" "6" <= "_dec 7" "7" <= "_dec 8" "8" <= "_dec 9" "9" <= "_dec (_ds 1 0)" "_ds (_dec x) 9" <= "_dec (_ds x 0)" "_ds x (_dec y)" <= "_dec (_ds x y)" "_of _b1" <= "_bob 1" "_of _b0" <= "_bob 0" "_of (_bn x)" <= "_bob (_d x)" "_of (_bnn x y)" <= "_bob (_ds x y)" "_v1 (_bob n) (_bob n) (_bob n') (_song n')" <= "_vs n n'" "_v0 (_bob 0) (_bob (_ds 9 9))" <= "_song 0" "_vs (_d x) (_dec (_d x))" <= "_song (_d x)" "_vs (_ds x y) (_dec (_ds x y))" <= "_song (_ds x y)" "_song (_ds 9 9)" <= "ninety_nine_bottles_of_beer" term ninety_nine_bottles_of_beer end
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