Language Lasso 8.1
Date: | 05/24/06 |
Author: | Chris Corwin |
URL: | |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (4.00 in 3 votes) |
[//lasso local( 'no_of_bottles' = 99, 'out' = string, ); while(boolean(#no_of_bottles)); #out += '<p>'; #out += #no_of_bottles ' bottle' (#no_of_bottles != 1 ? 's') ' of beer on the wall,<br />'; #out += #no_of_bottles ' bottle' (#no_of_bottles != 1 ? 's') ' of beer;<br />'; #out += 'Take one down, pass it around,<br />' (--#no_of_bottles) ' bottle' (#no_of_bottles != 1 ? 's') ' of beer on the wall.'; #out += '</p>'; /while; #out; ]
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