Language LaTeX2e
(corrected & updated)
Date: | 08/07/08 |
Author: | David Short |
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Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (3.00 in 13 votes) |
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{memoir} %This doc class enables \numname \usepackage{ifthen} %This enables conditionals \newcounter{quantity}\setcounter{quantity}{99} %This lines up 99 bottles for us \newcounter{rounds} %This allows us to count rounds \newcommand{\s}{\ifthenelse{\equal{\thequantity}{1}}{}{s}} %This deals with pluralisation \newcommand{\Howmany}{\ifthenelse{\equal{\thequantity}{0}}{No more}{\numtoName{\thequantity}}} \newcommand{\howmany}{\ifthenelse{\equal{\thequantity}{0}}{no more}{\numtoname{\thequantity}}} \begin{document} \whiledo{\value{rounds}<1}{ %Change "1" this value to the number of times to sing the song \par \noindent \Howmany\ bottle\s\ of beer on the wall, \howmany\ bottle\s\ of beer.\\ \ifthenelse{\equal{\thequantity}{0}} {Go to the store and buy some more,\addtocounter{quantity}{99}\addtocounter{rounds}{1}} {Take one down and pass it around,\addtocounter{quantity}{-1}} \howmany\ bottle\s\ of beer on the wall.\\ } \end{document}
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Alternative Versions
Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
Uses only pgf commands and fmtcount | Joel Berger | 04/19/10 | 1 |
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