Language Maple 11
Date: | 06/21/07 |
Author: | Stefan Vorkoetter |
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module Sing() local initialSize, what, where, bottles, action, ModuleApply; bottles := proc( n::integer, { lowercase::truefalse := false } ) option remember; if n < 0 then bottles(initialSize) elif n = 0 then if lowercase then StringTools:-LowerCase(procname(n)) else "No more bottles" fi elif n = 1 then "1 bottle" else "" || n || " bottles" fi end; action := proc( n::integer ) if n = 0 then "Go to the store and buy some more" else "Take one down and pass it around" fi end; what := " of beer"; where := " on the wall"; ModuleApply := proc( packSize::integer := 99 ) local n; initialSize := packSize; for n from initialSize to 0 by -1 do printf("%s%s%s, %s%s.\n", bottles(n),what,where,bottles(n,lowercase),what); printf("%s, %s%s%s.\n",action(n),bottles(n-1,lowercase),what,where); if n > 0 then printf("\n") fi od end end; Sing();
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