Language MEDITECH Magic
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Anonymous |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 10 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
This program is written in MEDITECH Magic. This is NOT the same Magic as you have listed but was developed by Medical Information Technology in 1980 and is still in use. As MEDITECH is not only a large software company but on of the oldest, independent software companies in the world (est. 1969), I hope you consider this a valid language. As you can see, it is an extremely concise language and lots of fun to use. BEERv1.1, 100^b,T("")^#,DO{b'<1 NN(b,"bottle"_IF{b=1 " ";"s "}_"of beer on the wall")^#, N(b,"bottle"_IF{b=1 " ";"s "}_"of beer!")^#, N("You take one down, pass it around,")^#,b-1^b, N(b,"bottle"_IF{b=1 " ";"s "}_"of beer on the wall!")^#}, END;
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DO{b'<1 //DO WHILE b is Less than or equal to
NN(b,"bottle"_IF{b=1 " ";"s "}_"of beer on the wall"
N(b,"bottle"_IF{b=1 " ";"s "}_"of beer!"
N("You take one down, pass it around,"
N(b,"bottle"_IF{b=1 " ";"s "}_"of beer on the wall!"
thats why all cranky nurses are running the IT department lol because it old and dying software..go HCA hospitals if you want to die!!