Language NeoBook
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Philipp Winterberg |
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Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | ![]() |
. NeoBook version of 99 Bottles of beer (Bottles.neo) . See . Philipp Winterberg, . . How to use: . 1. Create a new presentation . 2. Import this code snippet as Action . 3. Run and enjoy :-) SetVar "[b]" "99" SetVar "[a]" " bottle(s) of beer" SetVar "[c]" " on the wall" SetVar "[d]" "|Take one down, pass it around,|" While "[b]" ">" "0" Math "[b]-1" "0" "[e]" StickyNote "-1" "-1" "[b][a][c],|[b][a].[d][e][a][c]." "3000" Math "[b]-1" "0" "[b]" EndWhile Exit "" ""
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expression or two. Geez Louise..........