Language ObjectPAL
(Paradox for Windows)
Date: | 08/18/06 |
Author: | James R. (Jake) Mireles |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | ![]() |
method run(var eventInfo Event) ; ObjectPAL version of "99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall" ; By James R. (Jake) Mireles ; Houston, TX ; 8/17/2006 ; Save this as a Paradox script (*.ssl file). ; It will run under any version of Paradox for Windows. var i SmallInt endVar for i from 99 to 1 step -1 ; Use immediate-if branching to properly format plurals. msgInfo("99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall", string(i) + " bottle" + iif(i = 1, "", "s") + " of beer on the wall.\n" + string(i) + " bottle" + iif(i = 1, "", "s") + " of beer.\n" + "You take one down, pass it around.\n" + iif(i-1 = 0, "No", string(i-1)) + " bottle" + iif(i-1 = 1, "", "s") + " of beer on the wall." ) endFor ; Now for the big, rousing finish. msgInfo("99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall", "NO bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n" + "NO bottles of beer!\n\n" + "You go to the store and BUY SOME MORE.\n\n" + "Nine-ty-nine bot-tles of beer-on-the-wall!" ) endMethod
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