Language Open Access IV
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Alfred Unkrig |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
!Open Access IV Version of 99 Bottles of Beer !Alfred Unkrig mail int bottlesI=99 str text1S="Cheers !!" str text2S="Are you still allright, my friend ??" bool goOn=true window mainS = size 80 by 24 at 0,0 framed window mainST = top 1 in mainS mode title window mainSB = bottom 1 in mainS mode prompt screen mainS put in mainST "Please do not get drunk before finishing all the Beer I spend!" filled put in mainSB at 0,0 text1S filled put in mainS if goOn=true while bottlesI>0 put at 0,10 string(bottlesI)&" of Beer on the wall" filled put at 0,11 "Please take one down" filled bottlesI=bottlesI-1 get goOn put do clear screen if bottlesI=50 put in mainSB at 0,0 text2S filled put in mainS end if if bottlesI=0 put at 0,10 "No more bottles of beer on the wall" filled put at 0,11 "Please go to the store and buy some more Bottles of Beer" filled put at 0,12 "How many bottles would you like to buy? " filled get at 20,13 bottlesI if bottlesI>0 goOn=true put do clear screen if bottlesI>50 put in mainSB at 0,0 text1S filled else put in mainSB at 0,0 text2S filled end if put in mainS else goOn=false end if end if end while end if end screen mainS end goOn end bottlesi end
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