Language OpenScript
(ToolBook OpenScript)
Date: | 08/24/05 |
Author: | k-zed |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 3 |
Info: | |
Score: | ![]() |
to handle mDMG_DisableTDP sysLockScreen = true if T_selected of self > 0 send T_unselectTDP end if T_mode of self = false Visible of Group "TargetPolygon" of self = true CenterPosition of Group "Cursor" of self = \ CenterPosition of Group "TDP1" of Group "TargetPolygon" of self step i from 1 to 4 Visible of Group ("TDP" & i) of Group "T" of self = false Visible of Line ("L" & i) of Group "T" of self = false Visible of Line ("S" & i) of Group "T" of self = false end step visible of ellipse "HoldInsert" of group "cursor" = false sysLockScreen = false end mDMG_DisableTDP
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--Assume we are starting with a blank book
draw field "output" from 0,0 to 640,480 on page id 0
step i from 99 to 1 by -1
result = i + " bottles of beer on the wall"
result = result + ", " + result + "."
result = result + CRLF
result = "Take one down, pass it around, " + i-1 + " bottle of beer on the wall." + CRLF + CRLF
put result after text of field "output"
Not claiming this is a particularly interesting program, or even that it is syntactically correct or meets the expected results, just wanted to throw something out there that would give a bit better example of how Toolbook would approach this. In reality OpenScript is a dead language and not worth putting much more effort into than this.