Language R4 script
Date: | 06/24/05 |
Author: | Kang Seonghoon (Tokigun) |
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<!-- 99 Bottles of Beer in R4 Script (for network interface) Written by Kang Seonghoon (Tokigun), 2005-06-24. This program is in public domain. 1. Put this script in <R4root>\data\wwwroot\beersong.html. 2. Turn the network interface on. 3. Visit http://localhost:(port)/beersong.html with your favorite browser. Tested with R4 1v06 and 1v20. Note that the lines below should be put into a single line. --> ### strcat(hide(set([x],[]),set([s],[99 bottles of beer]),set([i],[99]),while([get([i])],[set([x],strcat(get([x]),get([s]),[ on the wall,],newline(),get([s]),[.],newline(),[Take one down, pass it around,],newline(),hide(set([i],round(sub(get([i]),[1]))),set([s],strcat(if(get([i]),[get([i])],[[No]]),[ bottle],if(sub(get[i],[1]),[[s]],[[]]),[ of beer]))),get([s]),[ on the wall.],newline(),newline()))])),[<pre>],get([x]),[</pre>])
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