Language RPG IV Free-Form
(Using the Dynamic Screen API's)
Date: | 01/10/06 |
Author: | James Wall |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 3 |
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Score: | ![]() |
******************************************************************** ** 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall * * Example Code courtesy of ... * ******************************************************************** H dftactgrp(*no) H actgrp(*caller) D DS D idx 2 0 inz(99) D idxAlpha 2A overlay(idx:1) D F3 c x'33' D sa_norm c x'20' D sa_highlight c x'22' D BeerLine1 s 30 inz(' Bottles of beer on the wall, ') D BeerLine2 s 17 inz(' Bottles of beer ') D BeerLine3 s 32 inz('Take one down and pass it + D around') D ExitStr s 43 inz('Press Enter to Continue or + D Press F3 to Exit') D txt s 128 D txtlen s 9b 0 inz(132) D err s 8 inz(x'0000000000000000' D aid s 1 D lines s 9b 0 inz(1) D wf1 s 1 D wrtn s 9b 0 D ClrScr PR 9b 0 extproc('QsnClrScr') D mode 1 options(*nopass) const D cmdbuf 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D env 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D error 8 options(*nopass) D WrtDta PR 9b 0 extproc('QsnWrtDta') D data 128 D datalen 9b 0 D fldid 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D row 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D col 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D strmatr 1 options(*nopass) const D endmatr 1 options(*nopass) const D strcatr 1 options(*nopass) const D endcatr 1 options(*nopass) const D cmdbuf 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D env 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D error 8 options(*nopass) D GetAID PR 1 extproc('QsnGetAID') D aid 1 options(*nopass) D env 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D error 8 options(*nopass) D RollUp PR 9b 0 extproc('QsnRollUp') D lines 9b 0 const D top 9b 0 const D bottom 9b 0 const D cmdbuf 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D env 9b 0 options(*nopass) const D error 8 options(*nopass) ************************************************************************************** * Mainline ************************************************************************************** /FREE wrtn = ClrScr('4' : 0 : 0 : err); txt = ExitStr; txtlen = %Len(txt); wrtn = WrtDta (txt : txtlen : 0 : 1 : 2 : sa_norm : sa_norm : sa_highlight : sa_highlight : 0 : 0 : err); for idx = 99 Downto 1; txt = idxAlpha + BeerLine1 + idxAlpha + BeerLine2 + BeerLine3; txtlen = %Len(txt); wrtn = WrtDta (txt : txtlen : 0 : 26 : 2 : sa_norm : sa_norm : sa_norm : sa_norm : 0 : 0 : err); wf1 = GetAID (aid : 0 : err); If aid = F3; Leave; EndIf; wrtn = RollUp (lines : 2 : 27 : 0 : 0: err); endfor; *INLR = *ON; /END-FREE
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d i s 3 0 inz(99)
dow i > 0;
dsply %editc(i:'Z')+' bottles of beer on the wall';
dsply %editc(i:'Z')+' bottles of beer';
dsply 'take one down, pass it around';
Virtually all of the other version is caught up with using non-standard i/o.
Alternately, the program could write a screen display, compile it, and use it to display the song as a subfile.
"Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.
No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall."
Also, using an overlay array in 21th century seems a bit idiot, duh-uh??
try a bit harder, it is not that simple, then there is the screen with subfile, an awfull lot of coding ..............